Sunday, March 26, 2006

E-Gold Clarifications

Letter from Dr. Douglas Jackson; Chairman, e-gold, Ltd.

e-gold® has recently been the subject of a slanderous and unfounded article in Business Week. e-gold strongly refutes the allegations and presumptions of this article. The article chose to focus through anecdote and suspicion only on an exception - criminal abuse - and ignores the overwhelming majority of e-gold usage. It also fails to note that all online payment mechanisms including credit cards and intermediaries such as PayPal are targeted by criminals, likely at a much greater magnitude than e-gold, and fails to relate the very proactive steps e-gold takes to eliminate any criminal behavior involving e-gold.

e-gold and its Operator, Gold & Silver Reserve (G&SR®), including G&SR's exchange service OmniPay® in cooperation with the United States Government and pursuant to a lawfully issued written request, did allow an examination of the e-gold and OmniPay computer systems and data. The examination occurred on December 16th after normal business hours so as to avoid disrupting access to the system. The examination utilized the full resources of e-gold's system and prevented customer access. We were told by the government examiners that the outage would be for a few hours, however, due to the volume of data maintained by e-gold for its customers' protection, a surprise to the examiners, the examination occupied e-gold's computing capacity for 36 hours. e-gold apologizes for any inconvenience of the system down time caused by the government's request. No charges have been filed against e-gold, G&SR, OmniPay or any of its principals.

e-gold operates legally and does not condone persons attempting to use e-gold for criminal activity. e-gold has a long history of cooperation with law enforcement agencies in the US and worldwide, providing data and investigative assistance in response to lawful requests.

I'm proud of what we have accomplished so far with e-gold. e-gold, now in its 10th year online, is growing exponentially because of a network effect, a global cascade of Users telling their friends who then tell their friends. For the first time since our launch in 1996, this growth is providing the revenue and resources needed for e-gold to accelerate technical development and other refinements to make it more reliable and even less hospitable to those who would seek to abuse it.

We are processing the same volume of transactions and growing at the same exponential pace that PayPal was in the second quarter of 2000. One difference, though, is that they had to give away $tens of millions of their investors' money to build a critical mass of user balances and were continuing a burn rate of about $10 million per month during this period. Altogether they burned through about $275 million of capital losses before their IPO.

e-gold, in contrast, lacking significant outside investment:

  • has attained a circulation larger than Canada 's official gold reserves (currently 3.46 metric tonnes of gold, equivalent to about $55 million at current exchange rates).
  • has web traffic surpassing and and is neck and neck with as the most heavily trafficked gold related site on the Web
  • settles 50 to 60 thousand user-to-user payments per day, a daily value of about $10 million
  • has active Users in every country, (including more than 150,000 in China ) despite our lack so far of foreign language versions - a high priority on our to-do list

e-gold is the only payment mechanism that is truly global, enabling any merchant to accept payment online even if the payer lives in a third world country, has no credit card, or is perhaps 'unbanked' altogether.

e-gold enables the migrant worker of modest means to send value back to his family in Mexico or Bangladesh at a fraction of the cost of conventional international remittance mechanisms. e-gold alone is free of chargeback risk, yet the fee for receiving payment in e-gold is a tiny fraction of those charged by any other systems.

Thanks to e-gold, for the first time in history, normal people of modest means worldwide have the option of using currency that is designed from the ground up to be immune to debasement, with a governance model that precludes even its management and founders from having the power to subvert it.

Gold & Silver Reserve has been operating for over nine years. Seeking to comply with every applicable law, G&SR has reached out to the Government dozens of times, has repeatedly met with officials from the Internal Revenue Service, the FBI, SEC and a variety of other Federal agencies, and has been told – in no uncertain terms – that we were operating legally and in full compliance with all laws, rules and regulations. Additionally, the Government has requested from us – on more than three hundred occasions – information regarding individuals it believed to be lawbreakers. Gold & Silver Reserve complied with every single request in a professional and timely fashion. Numerous Government officials have gone so far as to commend us in writing for our efforts in complying with their requests and aiding them in their investigations.

Very recently, however, the Government concluded that it was unable to “regulate” our business under any current statutes or regulations. Rather than moving Congress to enact legislation, the Government apparently chose to undertake to regulate us under pre-existing statutes which are totally and utterly inapplicable to our business. To do so, the case the Government brought against Gold & Silver Reserve centered around false statements and fabrications made to a Magistrate Judge in Washington , D.C. A week later, when challenged by that Judge, the Government, fearing it would lose its case filed a second suit against Gold & Silver Reserve. We are now addressing that action and are confident that we will be victorious in a very short time.

Both OmniPay and e-gold have been substantially harmed. Both sites were off-line altogether for 36 hours - an interval during which we were at a loss to know what to announce or even how to announce it. There were other direct interventions as well that I am not yet at liberty to discuss that nearly crippled OmniPay's ability to honor its obligations to and on behalf of users. The worst effect of course is on our reputation. This irresponsible smear piece will surely impair our efforts to build strategic relationships with the host of businesses and individuals that would benefit from an embrace of e-gold.

Let me be very clear. e-gold in no manner condones persons or organizations attempting to use e-gold to support criminal acts. The exact opposite is true. e-gold limits accounts that are suspect of illicit activity and has a long history of cooperation with law enforcement agencies.

There are two elements that make e-gold about the dumbest choice a criminal could make if seeking to obfuscate a money trail or otherwise hide the proceeds of crime.

  1. it is impossible for a general user of e-gold to send/add money (value in any form) into the system... he can only get e-gold by receiving an e-gold Spend from someone who already has some.
  2. there's a permanent record of all transfers, that is, a permanent record of the entire lineage of every particle of value in the e-gold system.

There is nothing "anonymous and untraceable" about e-gold. e-gold Spends settle by book entry - it isn't so-called "digital cash".

e-gold is not about crime. e-gold is not a hospitable environment for criminals. e-gold maintains an efficient and highly capable investigative staff to aid in the identification, apprehension and prosecution of any criminal abusing the system. Our staff has participated in hundreds of investigations supporting the FBI, FTC, IRS, DEA, SEC, USPS, and others. This is the reality of every payment system, the need to aid in rooting out criminal abuse, whether it is child pornographers taking advantage of the multiple layers and indirection of credit card middlemen, or smurfs aggregating cash via international remittance processors or even state lotteries.

e-gold has taken a proactive approach, reaching out to law enforcement agencies and NGO's (Non-Governmental Organization) to foster closer cooperation in combating crime online. For example, e-gold is a charter member of the Financial Coalition to eradicate Child Pornography, organized by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, along with Visa, MasterCard, Microsoft, AOL, PayPal, First Data and some of the major banks.

I hope to have additional and useful facts shortly and will communicate them when appropriate. I can assure you e-gold is up and running, supporting its customers, and continuing to grow.

Dr. Douglas Jackson

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

better money

better money

e-gold is...

e-gold is an electronic currency, issued by e-gold Ltd., a Nevis corporation, 100% backed at all times by gold bullion in allocated storage.

Other e-metals are also issued: e-silver is 100% backed by silver, e-platinum is 100% backed by platinum, and e-palladium is 100% backed by palladium. However, the most popular e-metal (by an overwhelming margin) is e-gold.

e-gold is integrated into an account based payment system that empowers people to use gold as money. Specifically, the e-gold payment system enables people to Spend specified weights of gold to other e-gold accounts. Only the ownership changes - the gold in the treasury grade vault stays put.

here to stay

e-gold is always as good as the gold it's backed with - this year, next year, a thousand years from now.


Pursuant to the e-gold Account User Agreement, the physical bullion that comprises the value backing e-gold must be insulated from physical, legal and political risks. Title is held by The e-gold Bullion Reserve Special Purpose Trust that exists for the express purpose of holding bullion for the exclusive benefit of all e-gold account holders collectively. The bullion is held in the form of certified good delivery bars in allocated storage at repositories certified by the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA). Metal is held free of any lien or encumbrance whatsoever and explicitly may not be attached to any liabilities of e-gold Ltd. or any other entity. No metal may be removed from storage or any other disposition made without the signatures of both e-gold Ltd. and a third party Escrow Agent of good reputation.


e-gold Ltd. offers an unprecedented level of transparency:

Audit total circulation; compare to physical reserves.

Total e-gold in circulation vs. total bullion reserves are provided in real-time via the e-gold Examiner utility accessible from the e-gold website, as well as Statistics relating to the use and growth of the e-gold system.

world wide money

The world wide web needs world wide money. e-gold was created in response to this need.

e-gold is accounted by weight of metal, not US$ or any other national currency unit. Weight units have a precise, invariable, internationally recognized definition. Additionally, precious metals, gold in particular, enjoy a long history of monetary use around the world. Thus, e-gold is ideally suited for international transactions.

Although e-gold is accounted by weight, the e-gold payment system allows Spends to be expressed in terms of eight major national currencies (as of this writing). For example, it's possible to:

  • Spend 10 troy oz worth of e-gold

  • Spend 5.3 grams worth of e-gold

  • Spend US $100.00 worth of e-gold

  • Spend CHF 685.88 worth of e-gold

This means (for example) that a Canadian can pay a German or a Japanese can pay an Australian the correct weight of gold (e-gold) for a good or service as easily as if the price had been quoted in his own national currency.

The power of the e-gold Spend...

All financial value will migrate to cyberspace over the next few years. e-gold is ready so that you can be too.

e-gold is borderless -

e-gold may be Spent to any other e-gold account anywhere in the world via the e-gold shopping cart interface (SCI), the e-gold Account Manager, or web enabled mobile phone.

e-gold is quick -

e-gold payments clear instantaneously (with no chargeback risk), no matter how large the payment, no matter how far apart the Spender and Recipient.

e-gold is cost effective -

  • Spending e-gold is free, even if your recipient is on the other side of the world.

  • Recipient transaction fees range from substantially smaller to orders of magnitude smaller than those of credit cards and bank wire transfers, no matter how large (or small) the payment.

  • The e-gold Agio fee, which recovers bullion storage costs, passes on economies of scale normally only enjoyed by very large holders of bullion.

benefits all users of money

The target market for e-gold is simply people who use money. How do you presently use money? Chances are any of these activities would benefit from the increased soundness, security, efficiency, and lower cost of e-gold. Here are some examples of how e-gold is presently used:

  • e-commerce

  • Business-to-business payments

  • Point of service sales

  • Person-to-person payments

  • Payroll

  • Bill payments

  • Charitable donations

  • Monetary base of the AUG* economy

* AUG is an abbreviation for the currency unit "grams of gold".

Evolving Exchange Market

The e-gold system is designed to be absolutely free of any financial risk. There can be no debt or contingent liabilities associated with e-gold. For this reason, e-gold Ltd. does not possess any national currency of any nation and has no bank accounts. Thus, e-gold Ltd. is not able to offer currency exchange services.

Instead, a growing number of independent exchange services around the world support exchange between national currencies and e-gold, accepting various remittance methods, including credit cards, bank wires, checks, and money orders.

Financial risk vs. exchange risk

e-gold is entirely backed by a physical commodity rather than debt or other financial instruments; therefore, e-gold is the only currency in the world free of financial risk. However, absence of financial risk does not mean absence of exchange rate risk. As with any currency, the value of e-gold relative to other currencies continually fluctuates.

No barriers to entry

It costs nothing to open an e-gold account. There is no credit check. There is no minimum balance requirement. There is no concept of a "merchant account" in that all e-gold accounts may Spend e-gold or receive e-gold payments.

In short, you are minutes away from opening your first e-gold account at:

e-gold logo

better money

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Pertanyaan Seputar E-Gold

Untuk membantu Anda semua, kami menyusun suatu daftar pertanyaan dan jawabannya mengenai hal-hal yang sangat sering ditanyakan tentang e-gold dan e-investment. Kami berharap Anda akan dapat lebih mudah mengerti dan memahami dan juga dapat menemukan sesuatu yang menarik.
1. Apa itu e-gold?
2. Mengapa memakai "uang tunai digital" lebih baik dibandingkan dengan kartu kredit?
3. Mengapa e-gold lebih baik dibandingkan dengan jenis "digital cash" yang lain?
4. Apakah membuat rekening e-gold benar-benar GRATIS?
5. Jika saya membuat rekening e-gold, apakah membutuhkan kartu kredit?
6. Bagaimana caranya saya mengisi tabungan/uang di rekening e-gold?
7. Bagaimana caranya mencairkan e-gold saya ke dalam Rupiah?


E-Gold adalah suatu alat pembayaran digital baru (digital cash) yang dapat dipergunakan di seluruh dunia, dikeluarkan oleh e-gold Ltd., standar nilainya didasarkan pada 100% harga emas murni yang berlaku di pasar dunia, dan ditampilkan dalam bentuk rekening tabungan e-gold.
e-gold adalah suatu mata uang seperti halnya rupiah dan dollar, bukan merupakan mata uang nasional suatu negara. Ini berarti tidak ada suatu negara yang mengeluarkan uang kertas ataupun logam dalam mata uang e-gold. Malahan setiap transaksi dilakukan secara elektronis melalui internet, tidak terbatas oleh letak geografis suatu negara.
e-gold pada dasarnya mempunyai fungsi yang sama dengan e-mail. Bedanya e-mail adalah sebagai pengganti surat konvensional yang dikirimkan dengan perangko melalui kantor pos, sedangkan e-gold adalah sebagai pengganti (alternatif) untuk transfer uang ataupun pembayaran yang biasa dilakukan melalui perantara bank (ATM, transfer antar bank, bank draft, dan juga pos wesel).
Boleh dikatakan tidak memiliki e-gold di tahun 2000-an, sama dengan tidak memiliki e-mail di tahun 90-an. Ingatkah Anda, kapan Anda mulai mengenal dan mempunyai e-mail?

Kami sering mendengar ada banyak kejadian dimana seseorang mampu mencuri nomor kartu kredit orang lain dan menyalahgunakannya misalnya dipakai berbelanja di internet, maka si pemegang kartu kredit tentu akan kehilangan uangnya.
Dengan sistem pembayaran baru menggunakan digital cash ini, Anda hanya perlu menaruh sejumlah uang sesuai dengan kebutuhan sendiri misalnya untuk berbelanja di internet, dan sistem keamanan online payment ini benar-benar bagus. Bila anda sebagai seorang merchant, Anda dapat mengintegrasikan sistem payment e-gold ini ke dalam website Anda, tentunya dengan biaya yang jauh lebih murah (bahkan bisa dikatakan gratis) dan aman dibandingkan dengan sistem kartu kredit.

Sebenarnya ada beberapa jenis tunai digital yang dikeluarkan oleh sejumlah perusahaan khususnya di Amerika sebelum e-gold, tetapi ternyata mereka banyak kekurangannya. Pada kenyataannya mereka hanya menggunakan mata uang nasional (US$) untuk mem-backup digital cash mereka, sehingga orang dari negara lain mengalami kesulitan untuk menggunakannya. Misalnya PayPal, NetPay, dan lain-lain, dan Indonesia sistem tersebut tidak bisa dipakai hanya terbatas di negara tertentu saja, dan biayanya pun cukup tinggi.
E-gold berbeda karena ini merupakan yang pertama dimana ada sebuah perusahaan yang menawarkan sistem tunai digital yang distandarkan atas 100% nilai emas murni. Perusahaan e-gold, Ltd. memiliki emas murni di London Bank, dan menjualnya melalui internet. Jika Anda memiliki uang rekening e-gold Anda, berarti Anda adalah sebagai bagian dari pemilik emas tersebut. Anda dapat melihat berapa euro atau dollars (dalam mata uang yang lain) jumlah uang di rekening Anda dan tentu saja Anda dapat menggunakannya untuk berbelanja di internet dalam mata uang lokal.
Tetapi salah satu bagian terbaik dari fungsi e-gold adalah dapat ditukar di seluruh dunia dan dalam mata uang negara manapun. Jadi di dalam suatu transaksi di internet, seorang pembeli dapat membayar dengan dollar dan penjual menerima uang dalam bentuk euro atau mata uang lainnya, TANPA KENA BIAYA TAMBAHAN karena pada dasarnya mereka hanya melakukan pertukaran emas murni.

Ya, tentu saja. Anda dapat membuat sebuah rekening e-gold tanpa membayar apapun dan tanpa kewajiban memberikan setoran awal alias GRATIS.
Anda hanya akan membayar 1% untuk setiap transaksi yang dilakukan (maximum fee 0.50$ untuk setiap traksaksi), jadi misalnya Anda melakukan transaksi sejumlah 1000$, Anda hanya akan membayar fee sebesar 0.50$ (50 cents). Sementara untuk kartu kredit terkena fee sebesar 2%-4% dari total jumlah uang yang dibelanjakan.
Anda juga hanya akan membayar uang tahunan sebesar 1% dari jumlah uang yang Anda simpan di e-gold (apakah ini cukup besar jika dibandingkan dengan kartu kredit?).

Jika anda belum memiliknya segera daftar di sini secara gratis -->

TIDAK! Anda tidak membutuhkan kartu kredit untuk membuat sebuah rekening e-gold. Bahkan jika tidak memiliki kartu kredit pun, Anda bisa memiliki rekening e-gold.

What is E-Gold?

What E-Gold is?
  1. e-gold is an electronic currency, issued by e-gold Ltd., a Nevis corporation, 100% backed at all times by gold bullion in allocated storage.
  2. Other e-metals are also issued: e-silver is 100% backed by silver, e-platinum is 100% backed by platinum, and e-palladium is 100% backed by palladium. However, the most popular e-metal is e-gold.
  3. e-gold is integrated into an account based payment system that empowers people to use gold as money. Specifically, the e-gold payment system enables people to Spend specified weights of gold to other e-gold accounts. Only the ownership changes - the gold in the treasury grade vault stays put
Where e-gold has found a use?

The target market for e-gold is simply people and and various services who use money. How do you presently use money? Chances are any of these activities would benefit from the increased soundness, security, efficiency, and lower cost of e-gold. Here are some examples of how e-gold is presently used:
  1. Gambling - Play on your gold, in a e-gold casino, lotteries, and other games. Make it anonymously and quickly, with a low commission and high reliability. Enjoy game and passion!
  2. The investments - Invest e-gold in gold economy. Want to play on forex, go in Xodds, want to develop Russian economy go on a stock exchange INDX. Money presses on a pocket? Invest e-gold in HYIP, guaranteed loss of your money!
  3. Shops and auctions - Buy in shops the goods and services, participate in auctions. Use for this purpose only e-gold. Make it anonymously and quickly.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Informasi E-Gold

E-Gold Solusi Praktis Bertransaksi di Internet

Dalam setiap aktifitas eBisnis, kita pasti membutuhkan suatu alat pembayaran digital dalam bertransaksi. Alat pembayaran digital ini disebut e-Currency yaitu alat pembayaran yang sah dan bias diterima secara umum di seluruh dunia, misalnya Credit Card. Namun pemakaian credit card melalui media internet masih banyak memunculkan masalah terutama tingkat keamanannya, apalagi Indonesia sekarang dalam kondisi ter-blacklist oleh sebagian merchant internasional karena tingginya angka ‘carding’ atau penyalahgunaan di Indonesia. Sehingga sebagai alternatif untuk melakukan transaksi secara online di Internet kita dapat menggunakan E-Gold.

adalah suatu alat pembayaran digital baru (digital cash) yang dapat dipergunakan di seluruh dunia, dikeluarkan oleh e-gold Ltd., standar nilainya didasarkan pada 100% harga emas murni yang berlaku di pasar dunia, dan ditampilkan dalam bentuk rekening tabungan e-gold. e-gold adalah suatu mata uang seperti halnya rupiah dan dollars, bukan merupakan mata uang nasional suatu negara.

Ini berarti tidak ada suatu negara yang mengeluarkan uang kertas ataupun logam dalam mata uang e-gold. Malahan setiap transaksi dilakukan secara elektronis melalui internet, tidak terbatas oleh letak geografis suatu negara.e-gold pada dasarnya mempunyai fungsi yang sama dengan e-mail. Bedanya e-mail adalah sebagai pengganti surat konvensional yang dikirimkan dengan perangko melalui kantor pos; sedangkan e-gold adalah sebagai pengganti (alternatif) untuk transfer uang ataupun pembayaran yang biasa dilakukan melalui perantara bank (ATM, transfer antar bank, bank draft, dan juga pos wesel). Boleh dikatakan tidak memiliki e-gold di tahun 2000-an, sama dengan tidak memiliki e-mail di tahun 90-an. Ingatkah Anda, kapan Anda mulai mengenal dan mempunyai e-mail?

Membuka rekening e-gold adalah gratis, Anda dapat membuat sebuah rekening e-gold tanpa membayar apapun dan tanpa kewajiban memberikan setoran awal alias (GRATIS). Anda hanya akan membayar 1% untuk setiap transaksi yang dilakukan (maximum fee $0.50 untuk setiap traksaksi), jadi misalnya Anda melakukan transaksi sejumlah $1,000 Anda hanya akan membayar fee sebesar $0.50 (50 cents). Sementara untuk kartu kredit terkena fee sebesar 2%-4% dari total jumlah uang yang dibelanjakan. Anda juga hanya akan membayar uang tahunan sebesar 1% dari jumlah uang yang Anda simpan di e-gold (apakah ini cukup besar jika dibandingkan dengan kartu kredit?).

Anda tidak di tuntut untuk mempuyai kartu kredit dalam bertransaksi menggunakan e-gold ini, cukup dengan rekening Bank lokal.

Apakah E-Gold Bisa Dipercaya dan Aman?

Tentu. E-Gold sudah diakui oleh banyak merchant di seluruh dunia dalam melakukan transaksi online dan sebagai media pembayaran yang sah. Selain itu dana di E-Gold dapat ditarik melalui ATM khusus di semua mesin ATM berlogo Cirrus, Maestro dan Master Card. E-Gold sangat mudah dan fleksibel karena real time, anytime, dan anywhere. Jadi sistem transfer dan pembayaran dilakukan waktu itu juga dan bisa dilakukan kapanpun karena selalu buka 24 jam dan bisa melakukan transaksi di manapun. E-Gold memiliki website yang dijamin keamanannya dengan Secure Server 128 bit SSL. Siapapun dapat membuka (create account) rekening E-Gold secara GRATIS seperti halnya bila membuka rekening di bank.

Dengan E-Gold kita dapat mengisinya dengan membeli atau menjualnya ke merchant-merchant yang terpercaya yang bertebaran di Indonesia.

Langkah-langkah pembuatan Account E-gold

Buka website E-Gold
Klik “Create an Account”
Klik “ Agree” di bawah

Buat Data Account
  • Account Name: buat nama Account E-gold anda. Nama ini akan muncul ketika ada transaksi jual beli dengan Account anda. contoh : xxx’s e-gold, aaa’s e-gold, dsb.
  • User Name: Nama Anda. Description: boleh diisi boleh juga tidak, kalau diisi maka isilah dengan gambaran diri Anda.
  • Point of contact: Isi data anda disini. Alternate Passphrase: isian ini adalah Password Account E-Gold Anda, diisi dengan gabungan huruf dan angka minimal 6 karakter.
  • Passphrase: password. Gunakan tombol SRK yang ada diatasnya untuk menuliskan password anda. SRK ini akan selalu muncul ketika anda melakukan transaksi account e-gold anda, jadi harap diingat betul password anda. catat dan jangan sampai lupa serta jangan diberitahukan dengan orang lain. Mirip dengan PIN ATM kita di bank.
  • New egold account passphrase: sebaiknya sama dengan Alternate Passphrase.
  • New e-gold Account Passphrase again: harus sama dengan new E-Gold Account Passphrase. Yang perlu DICATAT adalah passphrase akan selalu digunakan untuk masuk ke dalam Account E-Gold Anda.
  • Turing Number Entry : masukkan nomor yang ada dibawahnya, tulisan agak disamarkan, jadi pastikan nomernya benar.
Klik “OPEN

Selesai: nomor account anda dikirim ke alamat email anda. catat nomor Rekening E-Gold Anda karena nomor tersebut akan selalu diminta untuk mengakses rekening E-Gold Anda. Sama seperti Nomor Rekening Bank Anda di Internet.Selanjutnya jika ingin melihat jumlah saldo uang Anda, klik gambar timbangan (BALANCE). Mengetahui rincian transaksi (print out) silahkan klik HISTORY. Untuk merubah data pribadi Anda, klik ACCOUNT INFO. Mentransfer uang Anda tekan SPEND. Anda juga bisa melihat batch nomer anda, bila sewaktu-waktu dibutuhkan.

Jangan lupa, selalu akhiri menekan LOGOUT jika selesai menggunakan rekening Anda.

Mengisi Account E-Gold

Untuk mengisi account egold atau menkonversi rupiah menjadi egold dan sebaliknya, dapat dilakukan melalui exchanger egold yang ada di indonesia. Salah satu exchanger egold yang kami gunakan adalah IndoChanger.
Untuk dapat melakukan transaksi jual/beli E-Gold silahkan daftar dulu sebagai member dari indochanger, setela anda terdaftar sebagai member di indochanger itu, maka anda dapat melakukan jual/beli egold dengan mudah dan aman.

Klik di sini untuk daftar

Setelah anda selesai mendaftar dan mengisi data-data seperti nama lengkap, alamat, email, nomor telpon, nomor account egold, dan nomor rekening bank yang ingin dijadikan sebagai penerima transfer dari hasil penjualan egold, silahkan diperiksa emailnya untuk mengaktivkan account exchangernya.

Untuk proses pembelian egold langkah-langkahnya adalah: pertama login dulu dengan username dan password yang pernah dibuat sebelumnya. Setelah masuk ke member area, anda sudah dapat melakukan order e-gold yang mana harganya akan diberikan sesuai dengan kurs yang berlaku saat itu. Setelah mengisi form order beli, dan total dananya sudah dikalkulasikan, maka langkah selanjutnya adalah mentransfer sejumlah dana tersebut ke rekening bank yang yang ada di sana. Setelah mentransfer dananya, lakukan pengiriman sms untuk konfirmasi pembayaran sudah dilakukan, maka dalam waktu beberapa jam kemudian egold anda sudah terisi sesuai dengan jumlah dana yang telah ditransfer. (Notes: Anda tidak perlu khawatir dalam hal ini, karena mereka bisa dipercaya. Saya pribadi sudah berkali-kali melakukan order jual ataupun beli egold dan belum belum pernah dikecewakan)

Tips Menjaga Keamanan E-Gold Anda

Karena E-Gold berisi uang, maka rentan terhadap pencurian apalagi jika menggunakan fasilitas umum seperti Warnet. Ikuti langkah-langkah pengamanan berikut:
  1. Pada saat registrasi E-Gold, sebaiknya Anda isi alamat rumah yang sebenarnya karena apabila anda lupa password loginnya maka satu-satunya jalan untuk mendapatkan password baru adalah dengan mengirim e-mail ke E-Gold dan E-Gold akan mengirim password baru ke alamat rumah Anda melalui surat/pos (tidak bisa lewat e-mail).
  2. Jangan pakai Passphrases E-Gold Anda untuk daftar pada program apapun
  3. Admin E-Gold tidak pernah mengirim e-mail yang ada linknya ke member. Jika ada kiriman e-mail yang meminta Anda mengklik link nya dan memasukkan Passphrases maka sebenarnya mereka adalah hacker yang sengaja akan mencuri rekening E-Gold Anda dan membuat web mirip dengan E-Gold. Abaikan saja atau hapus.
  4. Ubahlah password/passphrases secara berkala dan gunakan gabungan huruf dan angka yang sulit ditebak dan lebih dari 10 karakter, gunakan program pengacak misalnya, untuk mengubah password Anda menjadi karakter yang tidak terbaca, rekam password Anda dalam file misalnya untuk kemudian Anda bisa lakukan copy/paste, jika ingin memasukkan password ini (ini jika anda pakai terminal pribadi).
  5. Saat mengisi password/passphrase login, gunakan tombol SRK di kanan isian. Anda tidak mengetik passwordnya tapi memilih huruf dan angka di window kecil yang muncul menggunakan mouse. Hal ini untuk menghindari password Anda disadap dengan software keylogger yang dapat merekam key yang Anda tekan. Hati-hati apabila Anda menggunakan komputer public seperti di warnet atau lab komputer, karena bisa saja dipasangi keylogger yang langsung bisa mengirim hasilnya ke e-mail penyadap.
  6. Bersihkan selalu komputer yang telah anda pakai membuka Account E-Gold sebelum Anda tinggalkan dengan menghapus semua data yang ada di directory C:\WINDOWS\Cookies, C:\WINDOWS\History dan C:\WINDOWS\Temporary Internet Files.
Sekian dulu artikel mengenai e-gold, wassalam.